List of GUIScript functions
A list of functions by module: GemRB, _GemRB
- ActOnPC
- AddGameTypeHint
- AddNewArea
- ApplyEffect
- ApplySpell
- CanUseItemType
- ChangeContainerItem
- ChangeItemFlag
- ChangeStoreItem
- ChargeSpells
- CheckFeatCondition
- CheckSpecialSpell
- CheckVar
- ClearActions
- CloseRighthandStore
- CountEffects
- CountSpells
- CreateCreature
- CreateItem
- CreateMovement
- CreatePlayer
- CreateString
- CreateView
- DeleteSaveGame
- DispelEffect
- DisplayString
- DragItem
- DropDraggedItem
- DumpActor
- EnableCheatKeys
- EndCutSceneMode
- EnterGame
- EnterStore
- EvaluateString
- ExecuteString
- ExploreArea
- FillPlayerInfo
- FindItem
- FindStoreItem
- GameControlGetTargetMode
- GameControlLocateActor
- GameControlSetScreenFlags
- GameControlSetTargetMode
- GameControlToggleAlwaysRun
- GameGetExpansion
- GameGetFirstSelectedActor
- GameGetFirstSelectedPC
- GameGetFormation
- GameGetPartyGold
- GameGetReputation
- GameGetSelectedPCSingle
- GameIsBeastKnown
- GameIsPCSelected
- GamePause
- GameSelectPC
- GameSelectPCSingle
- GameSetExpansion
- GameSetFormation
- GameSetPartyGold
- GameSetPartySize
- GameSetProtagonistMode
- GameSetReputation
- GameSetScreenFlags
- GameSwapPCs
- GetAbilityBonus
- GetAreaInfo
- GetAvatarsValue
- GetCombatDetails
- GetContainer
- GetContainerItem
- GetCurrentArea
- GetDamageReduction
- GetEffects
- GetEquippedAmmunition
- GetEquippedQuickSlot
- GetGUIFlags
- GetGamePreview
- GetGameString
- GetGameTime
- GetGameVar
- GetINIBeastsKey
- GetINIPartyCount
- GetINIPartyKey
- GetINIQuestsKey
- GetInventoryInfo
- GetItem
- GetJournalEntry
- GetJournalSize
- GetKnownSpell
- GetKnownSpellsCount
- GetMaxEncumbrance
- GetMazeEntry
- GetMazeHeader
- GetMemorizableSpellsCount
- GetMemorizedSpell
- GetMemorizedSpellsCount
- GetModalState
- GetMultiClassPenalty
- GetPCStats
- GetPartySize
- GetPlayerActionRow
- GetPlayerLevel
- GetPlayerName
- GetPlayerPortrait
- GetPlayerScript
- GetPlayerSound
- GetPlayerStat
- GetPlayerStates
- GetPlayerString
- GetRumour
- GetSaveGames
- GetSelectedActors
- GetSelectedSize
- GetSlotItem
- GetSlotType
- GetSlots
- GetSpell
- GetSpellCastOn
- GetSpellFailure
- GetSpelldata
- GetSpelldataIndex
- GetSprite
- GetStore
- GetStoreCure
- GetStoreDrink
- GetStoreItem
- GetString
- GetSymbolValue
- GetSystemVariable
- GetToken
- GetVar
- GetView
- HardEndPL
- HasFeat
- HasResource
- HasSpecialItem
- HasSpecialSpell
- IncreaseReputation
- IsDraggingItem
- IsDualWielding
- IsValidStoreItem
- LearnSpell
- LeaveContainer
- LeaveParty
- LeaveStore
- LoadGame
- LoadMusicPL
- LoadRighthandStore
- LoadSymbol
- LoadTable
- LoadWindow
- Log
- MemorizeSpell
- ModifyEffect
- MoveToArea
- PlayMovie
- PlaySound
- PrepareSpontaneousCast
- Quit
- QuitGame
- RemoveEffects
- RemoveItem
- RemoveSpell
- RestParty
- RevealArea
- Roll
- RunRestScripts
- SaveCharacter
- SaveConfig
- SaveGame
- SetControlStatus
- SetDefaultActions
- SetEquippedQuickSlot
- SetFeat
- SetFeature
- SetFullScreen
- SetGamma
- SetGlobal
- SetJournalEntry
- SetMapAnimation
- SetMapDoor
- SetMapExit
- SetMapRegion
- SetMapnote
- SetMasterScript
- SetMazeData
- SetMazeEntry
- SetMemorizableSpellsCount
- SetModalState
- SetMouseScrollSpeed
- SetNextScript
- SetPlayerDialog
- SetPlayerName
- SetPlayerScript
- SetPlayerSound
- SetPlayerStat
- SetPlayerString
- SetPurchasedAmount
- SetTimedEvent
- SetTimer
- SetToken
- SetTooltipDelay
- SetVar
- SetupMaze
- SetupQuickSlot
- SetupQuickSpell
- SoftEndPL
- SpellCast
- StealFailed
- UnmemorizeSpell
- UpdateVolume
- UpdateWorldMap
- UseItem
- ValidTarget
- VerbalConstant
- Button_EnableBorder
- Button_SetActionIcon
- Button_SetAnchor
- Button_SetAnimation
- Button_SetBorder
- Button_SetHotKey
- Button_SetItemIcon
- Button_SetOverlay
- Button_SetPLT
- Button_SetPicture
- Button_SetPictureClipping
- Button_SetPushOffset
- Button_SetSpellIcon
- Button_SetSprites
- Button_SetState
- Control_QueryText
- Control_SetAction
- Control_SetActionInterval
- Control_SetColor
- Control_SetFont
- Control_SetText
- Control_SetTooltip
- Control_SetValue
- Control_SetVarAssoc
- SaveGame_GetDate
- SaveGame_GetGameDate
- SaveGame_GetName
- SaveGame_GetPortrait
- SaveGame_GetPreview
- SaveGame_GetSaveID
- Scrollable_Scroll
- Table_FindValue
- Table_GetColumnCount
- Table_GetColumnIndex
- Table_GetColumnName
- Table_GetRowCount
- Table_GetRowIndex
- Table_GetRowName
- Table_GetValue
- TextArea_Append
- TextArea_ListResources
- TextArea_SetChapterText
- TextArea_SetOptions
- TextEdit_SetBufferLength
- View_AddAlias
- View_AddSubview
- View_Focus
- View_GetFrame
- View_RemoveScriptingRef
- View_RemoveView
- View_SetBackground
- View_SetEventProxy
- View_SetFlags
- View_SetFrame
- View_SetResizeFlags
- Window_Focus
- Window_SetAction
- Window_SetupEquipmentIcons
- Window_ShowModal
- WorldMap_GetDestinationArea