
Prototype: GemRB.GetItem (ResRef)

Description: Returns dictionary with the specified item’s data.


  • ResRef - the resource reference of the item

Return value: dictionary

  • ‘ItemName’ - strref of unidentified name.
  • ‘ItemNameIdentified’ - strref of identified name.
  • ‘ItemDesc’ - strref of unidentified description.
  • ‘ItemDescIdentified’ - strref of identified description.
  • ‘ItemIcon’ - the item’s icon (.bam resref)
  • ‘DescIcon’ - the description icon
  • ‘BrokenItem’ - the replacement item (used for items with broken sounds)
  • ‘MaxStackAmount’ - maximum stackable amount
  • ‘Dialog’ - item dialog (.dlg resref)
  • ‘DialogName’ - the item dialog name
  • ‘Price’ - the base item price
  • ‘Type’ - the item type (see itemtype.2da)
  • ‘AnimationType’ - the item animation ID
  • ‘Exclusion’ - the exclusion bit (used by eg. magic armor and rings of protection).
  • ‘LoreToID’ - the required lore to identify the item
  • ‘MaxCharge’ - the maximum amount of charges
  • ‘Tooltips’ - the item tooltips
  • ‘Locations’ - the item extended header’s ability locations
  • ‘Spell’ - the spell’s strref if the item is a copyable scroll
  • ‘Function’ - returns special function
    • 0 - no special function
    • 1 - item is a copyable scroll (2nd header’s 1st feature is ‘Learn spell’)
    • 2 - item is a drinkable potion
    • 4 - item is a container
    • 8 - item has selectable abilities (headers)

See also: GetSlotItem, GetSpell, Button_SetItemIcon

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