Metaclass Prototype: SetItemIcon (ITMResRef[, Type, Tooltip, ITM2ResRef, BAM3ResRef]])
Description: Sets Item icon image on a Button control.
- ITMResRef - the name of the item (.itm resref)
- Type - the icon’s type
- 0 - Inventory Icon1
- 1 - Inventory Icon2
- 2 - Description Icon (for BG)
- 3 - No Icon (empty slot)
- 4 - Activation Icon1
- 5 - Activation Icon2
- 6 - Item ability icon for first extended header
- 7 - Item ability icon for second extended header
- 8 - etc.
- Tooltip - if set to 1 or 2 (identified), the tooltip for the item will also be set
- ITM2ResRef - if set, a second item to display in the icon. ITM2 is drawn first. The tooltip of ITM is used. Only valid for Type 4 and 5
- BAM3ResRef - if set, a third image will be stacked on top of the others
Return value: N/A
See also: Button_SetSpellIcon, Button_SetActionIcon
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