
Prototype: GemRB.ChangeItemFlag (PartyID, slot, flags, mode)

Description: Changes the flags of an inventory slot. For example, identifies an item.


  • PartyID - the PC’s position in the party (1 based)
  • slot - inventory slot
  • flags - a bitfield, same as the GetSlotItem flags
    • IE_INV_ITEM_IDENTIFIED = 0x01 - the item is identified
    • IE_INV_ITEM_UNSTEALABLE = 0x02 - the item is unstealable
    • IE_INV_ITEM_STOLEN = 0x04 - the item is marked as stolen
    • IE_INV_ITEM_UNDROPPABLE = 0x08 - the item is undroppable (dragitem fails)
    • IE_INV_ITEM_ACQUIRED = 0x10 - the item was recently acquired
    • IE_INV_ITEM_DESTRUCTIBLE = 0x20 - the item is removable
    • IE_INV_ITEM_EQUIPPED = 0x40 - the item is equipped
    • IE_INV_ITEM_STACKED = 0x80 - the item is a stacked item
  • mode - binary operation type

Return value: Returns 0 if the item was not found.

See also: GetSlotItem

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