Prototype: GemRB.GetSlotItem (PartyID, slot[, translated])
Description: Returns dictionary with the specified actor’s inventory slot data. Or the dragged item if globalID is 0. If translated is nonzero, the slot will not be looked up again.
- PartyID - the PC’s position in the party
- slot - the item’s inventory slot
- translated - look up the slot again (useful for quickweapons)
Return value: dictionary
- ‘ItemResRef’ - The name of the item (.itm resref)
- ‘Usages0’ - The primary charges of the item (or the item’s stack amount if the item is stackable).
- ‘Usages1’ - The secondary charges of the item.
- ‘Usages2’ - The tertiary charges of the item.
- ‘Flags’ - Item flags:
- IE_INV_ITEM_IDENTIFIED = 1, The item is identified.
- IE_INV_ITEM_UNSTEALABLE = 2, The item is unstealable.
- IE_INV_ITEM_STOLEN = 4, The item is stolen.
- IE_INV_ITEM_UNDROPPABLE =8, The item is undroppable.
- IE_INV_ITEM_ACQUIRED = 0x10, The item was recently moved.
- IE_INV_ITEM_DESTRUCTIBLE = 0x20, The item is removable (sellable or destructible).
- IE_INV_ITEM_EQUIPPED = 0x40, The item is currently equipped.
- IE_INV_ITEM_STACKED = 0x80, The item is a stacked item.
- ‘Header’ - Item’s extended header assigned to the inventory slot (the ability to use). Only applicable to quickslots.
- ‘Slot’ - The same as the slot parameter.
- ‘LauncherSlot’ - The slot of the launcher, if any, 0 otherwise.
See also: GetItem, Button_SetItemIcon, ChangeItemFlag
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