
Prototype: GemRB.SetToken(VariableName, Value)

Description: Set/Create a token to be replaced in StrRefs. QueryText() will use the actual value of the token when it encounters ‘' substrings in a retrieved dialog.tlk entry. Some tokens are hardcoded and you can't affect QueryText() by setting them. Usage of those tokens should be avoided. The hardcoded token list:

  • FIGHTERTYPE - always resolves to strref #10174
  • RACE - always resolves to the race of the last speaker
  • GABBER - always resolves to the longname of the last speaker
  • SIRMAAM - strref #27473/#27475 depending on last speaker’s gender
  • GIRLBOY - strref #27477/#27476 depending on last speaker’s gender
  • BROTHERSISTER- strref #27478/#27479 …
  • LADYLORD - strref #27481/#27480 …
  • MALEFEMALE - strref #27483/#27482 …
  • HESHE - strref #27485/#27484 …
  • HISHER - strref #27487/#27486 …
  • HIMHER - strref #27487/#27488 …
  • MANWOMAN - strref #27490/#27489 …
  • PRO_* - same as above with protagonist


  • VariableName - the name of the variable (shorter than 32!)
  • Value - string or None, the value of the token


ClassTitle = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (Class, 'CAP_REF', GTV_REF)
GemRB.SetToken ('CLASS', ClassTitle)
# force an update of the string by refetching it
TextArea.SetText (GemRB.GetString (16480))

Return value: N/A

See also: GetToken, Control_QueryText, Control_SetText

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