Prototype: GemRB.CheckFeatCondition (partyslot, a_stat, a_value, b_stat, b_value, c_stat, c_value, d_stat, d_value[, a_op, b_op, c_op, d_op])
Description: Checks if a party character is eligible for a feat. The formula is: (stat[a]~a or stat[b]~b) and (stat[c]~c or stat[d]~d). Where ~ is a relational operator. If the operators are omitted, the default operator is >=.
- partyslot - the characters position in the party
- a_stat … d_stat - stat IDs
- a_value … d_value - stat value limits
- a_op … d_op - operator to use for comparing x_stat to x_value:
- 0: less or equals
- 1: equals
- 2: less than
- 3: greater than
- 4: greater or equals
- 5: not equals
Return value: bool
See also: GetPlayerStat, SetPlayerStat
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